On March 28, the Biden Administration issued its budget proposal for federal Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 (October 1, 2022 through September 30, 2023). The administration proposes a $11.9 billion budget for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), a 29% ($2.6 billion) increase above EPA’s adopted 2022 budget of $9.6 billion – similar to the administration’s FY 2022 proposal of $11.2 billion (which I wrote about HERE), which Congress cut considerably.
Audit, Compliance and Risk Blog
Biden Administration again proposes to expand EPA’s budget significantly
Posted by Jon Elliott on Mon, Apr 18, 2022
Tags: EPA, climate change, Environment, Climate
OSHA proposes to revise Injury and Illness reporting requirements
Posted by Jon Elliott on Mon, Apr 11, 2022
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires most employers with 10 or more employees at an “establishment” to prepare and maintain records of occupational injuries and illnesses (I&I) as they occur (I&I Logs). OSHA also requires employers to post an annual I&I Summary in each workplace “establishment” by February 1, summarizing that workplace’s I&Is during the previous calendar year. In addition, beginning in 2017 OSHA requires some employers to submit some of this I&I information electronically to the agency. (I wrote about the initial electronic reporting requirements HERE). On March 30 OSHA proposed to update and revise these electronic reporting requirements, which the remainder of this note summarizes.
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Tags: Health & Safety, OSHA
SEC proposes climate-related disclosure requirements for public companies
Posted by Jon Elliott on Mon, Apr 04, 2022
When must organizations evaluate and disclose how climate change will affect their operations?
The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) administers reporting requirements for companies listed on national securities exchanges (“listed companies” or “public companies”), under federal securities laws including the Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Some of the SEC’s requirements provide detailed specifications, such as financial reporting consistent with Generally Accepted Accounting Practices (GAAP). Others are less quantified, requiring reporting of information that might be “material” to investors’ evaluation of a public company. Over time, SEC has added topics subject to reporting of material information, and some of these generalized requirements have evolved into more specific ones. In the latest example of this evolution, in March 2022 SEC is proposing regulatory requirements for disclosures about “climate-related risks and metrics” by public companies, enhancing and standardizing existing agency guidance (I’ve written about these several times over the years, most recently HERE). The remainder of this note summarizes SEC’s proposal.
Read MoreTags: climate change, Environment, Climate
Ontario Court of Appeal Punishes Directors For Breaching Fiduciary Duties
Posted by Jon Elliott on Mon, Mar 28, 2022
In December, the Ontario Court of Appeal reviewed a case involving two disputing factions in a 5-member partnership (Extreme Venture Partners Fund I LP v. Varma).1 The two partners who managed the activities decided that their efforts were being undervalued by the other 3, and responded by starting competing businesses, diverting resources from the original entity, and hiding these activities. The other 3 partners eventually found out and sued them for breaches of their fiduciary duties. The trial court found against the wrongdoers, and on appeal the Court of Appeal actually increased their punishment.
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Tags: Labour & Employment, Canada, Directors Liability, Ontario Court
Discharges of plastics into the environment are steadily increasing, both in aggregate amounts and in associated environmental and health concerns. The United Nations has estimated that plastic debris accounts for at least 85 percent of total marine waste; an estimated 11 million metric tons of plastic enter the world’s oceans annually, and on current trends this will triple by 2040. In response to these concerns, the state of California is creating laws and regulations intended to reduce plastics discharges in the state. In addition to plastics recycling requirements (the state “bottle bill” and others), California has created a focus on “microplastics.” In February 2022, the California Ocean Protection Council (OPC) adopted a new Statewide Microplastics Strategy (the Strategy); the rest of this note provides general background on California’s approaches to plastics and microplastics, and summarizes the Strategy.
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Tags: California, Environment, plastics, microplastics
California Injury and Illness Prevention Program requirements
Posted by Jon Elliott on Mon, Mar 14, 2022
Although the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) only recommends that employers create comprehensive safety and health programs, California and a handful of other states require employers to do so. (I wrote about OSHA’s latest recommendations HERE). The remainder of this note summarizes California’s Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) requirements, which are administered by the state’s Division of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH; known universally as Cal/OSHA).
Read MoreTags: Health & Safety, OSHA, Safety and Health at Work, workplace safety, California, Healthcare
According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), half a million Americans work in “laboratories.” For more than 30 years, OSHA has administered its “Occupational exposure to hazardous chemicals in laboratories” standard – usually just called the Laboratory Standard – to protect employees “engaged in the laboratory use of hazardous chemicals” (29 CFR 1910.1450). The rest of this note discusses these requirements.
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Tags: Health & Safety, OSHA, Hazard Communication
After more than 50 years, OSHA proposes newer and more flexible standards for forklifts
Posted by Jon Elliott on Mon, Feb 28, 2022
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has proposed revisions to its Powered Industrial Trucks Standard – more often referred to as the “Forklift Standard” since those are the most common types (29 CFR section 1910.178 (general industry) and 1926.602 (construction)). OSHA first adopted the standard in 1971, and most recently revised it in 2017. However, as discussed below, OSHA has never updated the Standard’s principal technical standards during more than half a century. The remainder of this note summarizes the existing requirements, and identifies proposed revisions.
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Tags: Health & Safety, OSHA
The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) continues to expand and refine environmental compliance requirements, including those related to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In particular, facilities and organizations subject to EPA's mandatory GHG emission reporting rules should be preparing to submit reports covering calendar year 2021. The remainder of this note summarizes these requirements.
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Tags: EPA, Greenhouse Gas, ghg, Environment
Latest National Toxicology Program Report on Carcinogens adds 8 substances
Posted by Jon Elliott on Mon, Feb 14, 2022
The US National Toxicology Program (NTP) has issued its 15th Report on Carcinogens (RoC), adding eight new substances; NTP now identifies 256 chemical, physical, and biological agents; mixtures; and exposure circumstances as “known or reasonably anticipated to cause cancer in humans.” NTP operates within the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), which is a unit of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). It was established in 1978 to:
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Tags: Health & Safety, NTP, toxicology