Audit, Compliance and Risk Blog

Jon Elliott

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OSH Act Demands Employers Provide Safe Workplace

Posted by Jon Elliott on Thu, Aug 16, 2012

The federal Occupational Safety and Health Act provides employers with a "General Duty" to provide their employees with “safe and healthful working conditions, in workplaces free of recognized hazards” which comply with OSHA standards for general industry. 

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Tags: Health & Safety, OSHA

Hydraulic Fracturing: Can We 'Frack' Without Fouling the Environment?

Posted by Jon Elliott on Mon, Aug 13, 2012

Energy companies have used hydraulic fracturing—often referred to as ‘fracking’—since the 1940s in order to enhance recovery of oil and natural gas from low-permeability (“tight”) rock formations.
Frackers pump high-pressure fluids into rock formations to create and expand cracks and create pathways for valuable hydrocarbons to flow out.  The stimulant fluids are usually water-based, with additional chemicals (acids, surfactants, biocides, etc.) to improve the effectiveness of the fracking process as well as solid ‘proppants’, which prop open the expanded openings (sand, etc.). 

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Tags: Health & Safety, Environmental risks, Environmental, EPA, fracking, hydraulic fracking

Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Answering Stakeholders Concerns

Posted by Jon Elliott on Fri, Aug 10, 2012

Increasingly, your approach to climate change issues provides an important basis for your customers’ and other stakeholders’ purchasing and investment decisions with your organization. They may research how your organization manages its  greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (your  ‘carbon footprint’) because, if you provide them with goods and services, the GHG emissions associated with your activities may be attributed to them.

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Tags: Corporate Governance, Environmental risks, Environmental, EPA

SEC: New Standards for Executive Compensation

Posted by Jon Elliott on Mon, Jul 30, 2012

 Is Your Board’s Compensation Committee Up to Standard?

Boards of directors are responsible for corporate governance of their companies, although the companies’ executives oversee most day-to-day activities.  To ensure that these executives perform properly, the boards oversee them, and establish compensation and incentives intended to encourage and reward appropriate activities.  State corporation laws and federal and state securities laws, have traditionally left boards to decide how to meet these responsibilities.

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Tags: Corporate Governance, SEC

Court Decision Supports EPA Rulings for Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Posted by Jon Elliott on Thu, Jul 12, 2012

On June 26, the federal District of Columbia Circuit Court of Appeals issued a major decision, upholding four rulings by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).  All four rulings expand the regulation of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions under the Clean Air Act (CAA). The case is Coalition for Responsible Regulation v. EPA.1 

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Tags: Health & Safety, California Legislation, Environmental, EPA

Employment Law Spurns Discrimination Based on Pregnancy

Posted by Jon Elliott on Thu, Jun 21, 2012

Scenario: A female employee informs you she’s pregnant, and you recall that one of her previous pregnancies ended in miscarriage, so you decide to transfer her to a less demanding assignment at the same pay grade. The pregnant employee objects on the grounds that the new assignment is less interesting, and carries lower prestige.

If you then ordered this employee to accept the transfer, you could possibly find yourself in court, as the County Sheriff’s Office did in Hillsborough, Florida. You might also be found guilty of pregnancy discrimination in violation of federal and state law, and ordered to compensate her with back pay, as well as pay additional damages for inflicting emotional distress on the woman you thought you were helping. This spring the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals did just that, affirming a jury verdict awarding $80,000 in back pay plus $10,000 compensation for emotional distress, based on prevailing employment law, and pregnancy discrimination.

What did the employer do wrong, and why?

The case is Holland v. Gee.[i]  Lisa Holland had worked for three years as a data processing telecommunications technician (DP Tech) in the Sheriff’s Office, where David Gee was the County Sheriff.  In November 2006, three years after joining the Office, Holland disclosed her pregnancy to her supervisor, Teresa Sterns.  Sterns later testified:

 ‘I’ve thought about this quite a bit, and I’m sure that part of my decision was that as a mother, with knowing the history of her miscarriage, knowing how my pregnancy was rather difficult, I — I can only assume that part of that decision was that I felt it was — it was to be nice and to give Lisa a desk job. Concerned [sic] with her pregnancy was part of my reasoning. It was not the official reasoning, but it was certainly part of what I felt was — was right.’

At trial, several co-workers testified that the Help Desk tasks are less technical and more administrative, involving telephone conversation, rather than on-site visits. Accordingly, some of the Help Desk DP Techs had lower pay grades than that of Ms. Holland, and at least one co-worker testified that he would have considered such a transfer to be a demotion.

Ms. Holland objected to the move but was transferred anyway; she was eventually terminated for what the Sheriff characterized as performance and morale issues.

The Court opinion relates a range of conflicting testimony about who said what, who did or didn’t do what, and the reasons for what occurred. Throughout the case the Sheriff’s Office denied any discriminatory intent, and offered its own testimony to contend that each decision was based on reasons that were non-discriminatory. However, management employees offered differing recollections of what had transpired, and why. In fact some of them changed their stories during the course of the investigation, trial, and court appeal. 

What did the federal court decide, and why?

This case was tried in federal court under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (which prohibits a wide range of workplace discrimination, including discrimination “based on sex”), under the federal Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978, and under comparable Florida state law. 

Because there was no clear written evidence of discrimination, the trial court followed precedent for dealing with the circumstantial evidence.  It reviewed the plaintiff’s initial ‘prima facie’ case arguments, followed by the defendant’s counter-arguments, in order to determine if it was even possible that discrimination had occurred. In this case, neither side won at the preliminary stage, as both sides presented extensive testimony, and both cross-examined opposing witnesses vigorously. The trial judge decided that neither side had provided enough evidence to win as a matter of law, and let the matter go to a jury to decide.

The jury believed and agreed with plaintiff Ms. Holland’s arguments that discrimination occurred.  The trial judge denied motions by the defendant, the Sheriff’s Office, and on appeal the Eleventh Circuit upheld these determinations.

Court cites earlier landmark decision

In upholding the jury’s decision the Eleventh Circuit cited back to the U.S. Supreme Court’s 1991 pregnancy discrimination decision in International Union v. Johnson Controls.  In that landmark decision, the Supreme Court found that based on employment law and pregnancy discrimination, the employer’s “fetal protection policy” discriminated against pregnant and “fertile” females by denying them work in its battery assembly areas, presumably to prevent their exposure to lead. In that decision, the court found the employer’s policy was motivated at least in part by a desire to avoid the costs of exposure-reducing measures in the workplace. In the current case, the Eleventh Circuit did not dispute that the Sheriff’s Office motivations might be “benign,” but did reaffirm the Supreme Court’s observation that “[c]oncern for a woman’s existing or potential offspring historically has been the excuse for denying women equal employment opportunities.”

Implications of the court’s decision on pregnancy discrimination

The Holland v. Gee decision reaffirms that employers cannot change working conditions for pregnant employees, even if the decision is based on a belief that these employees need safer or easier working conditions. Instead, this Court decision reaffirms decades of precedent requiring that the workplace must generally be safe for all employees. The decision does not reach the equally important point that the employee may have the right to request such an accommodation, particularly if that individual’s pregnancy produces a temporary disability that triggers the Americans with Disabilities Act.

What will you do?

Employers make decisions on behalf of employees for a variety of reasons, but the reasons for such decisions are moot when the results tread on employment law and/or pregnancy discrimination or other discrimination. As an employer, it is important to understand the implications of your employment decisions before making them. Here are some employment law and pregnancy discrimination issues to consider in order to protect your company from accusations of running a discriminatory workplace.

Anti-discrimination Policy Implementation Checklist

Does my organization have a policy prohibiting discrimination, including sex discrimination, based on pregnancy?

Does my organization have a policy prohibiting discrimination, including discrimination based on disability? 

- If so, does the policy affirm the organization’s willingness to offer appropriate accommodations to qualified employees with a disability, including temporary disability (which can occur during pregnancy, or during or after serious illnesses)?

Does my organization provide training to supervisors and managers in legal duties regarding employment law to avoid discrimination, and do the organization’s policies comply with these duties and procedures to ensure compliance?

Download the checklist Sex  Discrimination Policy:  Best Practices for Employers

About the Author

Jon Elliott is President of Touchstone Environmental and has been a major contributor to STP’s product range for over 25 years. He was involved in developing 16 existing products, and writes quarterly updates for them all. Go to the STP Publishers website for a copy of his book, Workplace Violence Prevention: A Practical Guide.

Mr. Elliott has a diverse educational background. In addition to his Juris Doctor (University of California, Boalt Hall School of Law, 1981), he holds a Master of Public Policy (Goldman School of Public Policy [GSPP], UC Berkeley, 1980), and a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering (Princeton University, 1977).

Mr. Elliott is active in professional and community organizations. In addition, he is a past chairman of the Board of Directors of the GSPP Alumni Association, and past member of the Executive Committee of the State Bar of California's Environmental Law Section (including past chair of its Legislative Committee).

You may contact Mr. Elliott directly at:


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Tags: Corporate Governance, Employer Best Practices, Employee Rights, EEOC, Title VII

Workplace Violence Prevention Begins With a Formal Policy

Posted by Jon Elliott on Wed, Jun 06, 2012

Does your organization have a formal workplace violence prevention policy? Requirements that employers protect their employees against workplace violence are expanding throughout North America.  For example, public agencies in New York have been required to do so since 2009 (S 6441), and most employers in Ontario have required the same since 2010 (Bill 168), while Manitoba revised longstanding requirements in 2011. 

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Tags: Corporate Governance, Business & Legal, Employer Best Practices, Health & Safety, Employee Rights, Workplace violence

EEOC Broadens Protection Against Sex Discrimination in Transgender Appeal

Posted by Jon Elliott on Tue, May 29, 2012

For nearly 50 years, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 has prohibited “employment” discrimination based on any of several characteristics, including “sex” (gender). In 1964, Congress was essentially concerned with gender-specific jobs, pay discrimination for jobs performed by both genders, and male supervisors abusing their female subordinates by demanding sexual favors, among other abuses.

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Tags: Corporate Governance, Business & Legal, Employer Best Practices, Employee Rights, EEOC, Title VII

All About Employee Criminal Background Checks

Posted by Jon Elliott on Tue, May 15, 2012

Do You Screen Applicants for Criminal Backgrounds?  EEOC explains how to avoid negligence and discrimination when doing background screening. What if one of your employees is caught in criminal activity – white-collar bribery, embezzlement, or worse yet, violent assault or murder? And what if you find out it was a repeat offense—a skeleton that would have popped out of the closet if you’d run a criminal background check prior to hiring? If this ever happened, you would have to deal with the emotional and financial fallout, which could include legal suits against your organization for “negligent hiring." Many employers seek to avoid such nightmares by screening potential employees for criminal backgrounds.

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Tags: background checks, criminal background checks

JOBS Act for Small Companies

Posted by Jon Elliott on Thu, May 10, 2012

Latest Congressional Action on Securities | JOBS Act Loosens Regulation on Smaller Companies  Securities requirements in the United States tend to ebb and flow, so that a period of increasing restrictions is followed by a decade of loosening restrictions. Congress propels these changes as lawmakers respond to market needs and political tides. April 2012 marks the latest change, as the imaginatively named Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act (JOBS) introduces legislation that allows small companies to grow before having to register securities or stage an initial public offering (IPO). The JOBS Act also reduces reporting requirements for up to five years after an IPO. These opportunities include:

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Tags: Corporate Governance, Business & Legal, SEC, JOBS Act, SOX, IPO