Webinar Scheduled for March 7, 2012: Headlines following catastrophic incidents such as fatal or crippling injuries, fires and explosions, lead to demands for answers as to who was at fault and how the event could have been prevented. EHS managers, auditors, operations, risk managers, and legal counsel all have a role in uncovering the potential for and preventing high-consequence/low-frequency events.
This webinar will review recent high consequence events and their underlying causes as tools to understanding how your audit observations and nonconformances can lead to high consequence events. The webinar will help you learn to recognize information you may already have in order to take action that could save lives and prevent that devastating accident.
Our presenter Mr. Curtis J. Johnson, CPEA and STC Senior Program Director, will draw upon his 30+ years EHS experience in industry and consulting to provide insights into how to communicate the risks associated with these types of events in ways that get attention when it really matters.
More details and registration information can be found at Specialty Technical Consultants.