Best Practices for ESG Compliance Programs

Wednesday, June 21, 11 AM EST.


Why is ESG compliance Important?

With the expansion of ESG reporting regulations and corporate sustainability initiatives, research shows that EHS leaders have become responsible for managing compliance with topics outside their traditional focus areas. Compliance teams are also evolving to include new team members with different skillsets and responsibilities.

These changes are a source of challenge and confusion as companies look for effective ways to manage new requirements while continuing to maintain existing compliance programs The purpose of this webinar to is share best practices and lessons learned for setting up an effective ESG compliance program and incorporating it within existing programs. 


What we will Cover

  • Identifying the drivers for an effective ESG compliance program

  • Best practices for getting started with developing an ESG compliance program

  • Defining the scope of an ESG compliance program

  • Aligning ESG compliance with existing compliance programs 

  • Identifying applicable and material ESG requirements

  • Monitoring and managing regulatory change as a critical part of an ESG compliance program and management system

  • Global regulatory examples of ESG issues and what they mean for business operations